jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

10 months!

Baby Peanut is now crawling!  No more army crawling with his face,  but honest to God crawling.  He also cruises around furniture and is fearless standing up,  often trying to walk on his own (and failing quite spectacularly still,  but he tries!) I love hearing his laugh as we run after the dogs or towards his grandma,  or just walking around the house,  laughing because he is so proud of himself.  He has the best laugh.

He weights 10 kilos fully clothed,  so probably more like 9.800. We are up to date with his vaccines and he is chubby but leaner and has a big big head.

Such a big head.  

Sleep is still a crazy endeavor.  He still wakes about every hour and a half/two hours.  I don't know how to improve on that,  though we got through the worst of the growth spurt/sleep regression (hard to call it a regression when he hasn't sleep more than 3 hours in a row since in months)  by going back to his reflux medication.  After all the meds from The Cold From Hell his stomach just wasn't the same.  I'm back on a strict no dairy products diet and he's back on Nexium. I think part of the problem was that he got 5 teeth in a month, so maybe... Sleep might improve?  Someday! 

He has 7 teeth now,  and swollen gums on the top premolars canines.  Gah.  I thought we might have to wean soon when he got all the teeth because he was chaffing my nipples when he sucked,  but things have improved and we're back on track.  I would like to meet my one year goal,  then we'll see how we feel about it.  He loves to breastfeed and shows no signs of self weaning,  but I'm starting to feel more ready to stop...  I don't want to quit cold turkey or anything,  and it wasn't even on my kind for a long time, so lately when I eye my non-breastfeeding friendly clothes I just think to myself that soon he'll be done with this part of his life,  and it's bittersweet.  I will miss this connection a lot.  

Work is really busy right now,  though I'm still struggling financially.  Teaching was my only steady income so I'm fully freelancing right now. Construction on C&D's house is going well,  but I'm not taking any money from there yet.  I am working with an old client on the design for her new home's bathrooms and fixing some issues the house has, but that's only just starting.  Our side business of decorative pillows has been doing really well thanks to Pam's hard work,  so I'm doing what I can to help and keep up.  We're decorating and apartment for rent for a client,  which has been a lot of scavenging for good design for cheap.  I hope we'll be done with that next week.  The MBA program is kicking my ass, finding time to do homework is proving really difficult.  The classes are really off my area of knowledge and the teachers aren't doing much explaining,  which is a problem I have ran into a lot with the online program.  But we're halfway done with this trimester!  I can do it!  I have one mandatory credit left and three optional ones,  so mayyyybe the optional ones can be less ass kicking?  I am just realizing this,  I am almost done with the core classes!

After a lot of working  around hurdles it seems like we might get him baptized this month.  I want to do a little get together but it's a bit daunting.  So much family!  Such unruly nephews! I fear it might be a disaster! But I will be glad to get that done and all the possible drama out of the way (there has been a lot of drama with my in laws about our choice of godparents,  but as it often plays out,  it's mostly passive aggressive drama).   

I welcome March feeling better.  February was better than January,  mood wise if not sleep wise, and I think March is going to be better.  I am hopeful.  I am thankful.  It's all going to be okay. 

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