lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

Sleepless adventures

It's been two weeks since I quit caffeine. Coffee and tea joined the list of things I really wish I could have, along with hot dog bread, hamburger bread, pizza, enchiladas, creamy pasta, smoothies, yogurt, and all dairy. Quitting dairy was hard at first, but I am mostly used to it by now, it's just eating out and craving desserts that get tough. Caffeine, on the other hand... at first it wasn't hard to quit, I expected some withdrawal and super sleepiness but I felt fine. But I've been craving it kind of bad on and off since then, and I've had a couple of slips during the Holy Week break.

Anyway, it seems to me that quitting caffeine has had no effect on Baby Peanut's sleep(less) nights. He had one good night last week where he slept four hours (angels singing!) and another night where he slept two 3 hour-long chunks and... that's it. I know it takes a while for my body to get rid of all traces of caffeine and a while for his little body to clean up too, and I know the process has been impeded by the occasional slip, but.. I had hoped to see more improvement than this.

I will do my best to keep at it for at least two full weeks with no slips, and if I see no improvement I'm just going to allow myself to have it again. He had excellent naps during this long weekend and still had terrible nights, so I don't know what else to do. The good news, though, is that he hasn't fall asleep on the breast three nights in a row, he eats until he pushes me away and then just chats and babbles for 10-15 minutes while he drifts of, which is great! I have hope!

Cookie took two weeks off work and had a staycation, which was nice. I still had to work but I tried to take it easier, though I definitely felt frustrated by the lack of productivity. Today is his first day back at work and I'm feeling closer to normal.

I've been battling anxiety for a couple of weeks. I had a bad experience in the decoration project, where a mason worker took the opportunity to go inside the apartment when I was alone and closed the door behind him, and started to chat me up. It raised all the flags in my head and scared the shit out of me, and I ended up literally running after my friend's car. When I mentioned the incident to the client he was concerned, but also made me feel like I had provoked him, asking me if I had previously chatted with the guy. Which I had! As normal people do! what normal people don't do is wait until a woman is alone to go and lock themselves with her. Just.  Ugh.

Our decorative pillows business is selling head rests and bed stands made to order, and we had a run in with a client that ordered a model and a day after we delivered them to her place, she called to say her husband hadn't liked them and they wanted their money back. Which might be a possibility if we were a furniture store, which we aren't. There's a reason they are made to order, so we don't have stock, and because people want pretty specific things when they come to us. Anyway, the husband had a bad vibe around him, like the problem was that she had done the ordering and purchasing while he was away from home or something, along with problems like the bed stand didn't fit through their stairs (it was a regular double bed) and that the landlord didn't want them to remove a window to take it upstairs. She then said she had though it was a pull apart bed stand, which she never mentioned. And that it was too small for their double. I got very suspicious, because these are not small and mattresses have standard sizes, and I think the problem is that they have a queen size and ordered a double. All of which is not my problem! He did seem extremely macho and patronizing and she was super subdued and quiet around him, which is making me dread dealing with them. I don't really want to face him, and I hate having these thoughts about not being "alone". But.. better safe than sorry, I guess.

So.. work is making me a big anxious, specially because I'm behind and there's weird people out there, but everything is going mostly well. Baby Peanut is 11 months today! He's crawling around, cruising around furniture, making signs ("all done" and "dog" this weekend!) and being awesome. He's so bigggg, crazy little man.

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2016

Cloth diapering, or how to be way too excited about diapering solutions

Before Peanut was born,  I didn't really stock up much.  We didn't buy a crib,  since we got a pack and play and a bassinet as hand me downs.  I borrowed a car seat and stroller system from Pam,  and bottles and pumps and clothes and a changing table/tube combo and basically everything we  could need from my friends and sisters in law.  I bought a box of wet wipes,  a doctor brown's starter package of bottles,  a bunch of cute clothes and blankets.

And then I went crazy with the cloth diapers.  They are soooo cute,  and my mom was very encouraging,  since she cloth diapered all of her children.  I felt like maybe it wouldn't be that hard,  and I owed it to our carbon footprint,  and it would be cheaper on the long run (while I was pregnant I was obsessed with child rearing on a budget,  in a pregnant lady obsessive way,  probably because I feared being unemployed).  I initially bought 12 pocket covers with microfiber inserts,  and 6 diaper covers and two packs of snappi fasteners,  despite not having any prefolds because it was all very confusing at the start.  When Eli was born I got 12 more pocket covers with their inserts,  and we have been using the covers ever since.

So,  my experience so far:
It is really easy.  Cookie got it on the first try with everything, I do an extra load of laundry each week now,  two when Peanut was a newborn.  That's it.  No scrubbing,  no pain, we just spray the poop off the diapers,  put them in a pail,  wait until laundry day. Wash with hot water and neutral soap and vinegar,  then sundry. Living in a desert helps with the sundrying in any season.

We did not marry cloth diapers.  Which means we use disposables as well and it's okay!  No one will take my mom card for it.  We buy BioBaby,  which are supposed to biodegrade in 4 years,  and which have excellent absorbency.  We use them for nighttime and sometimes when we go out (and we used them all the time when Peanut got a yeast rash after the antibiotics last month).

They are a great investment.  When I crunched numbers,  we got our money's worth at 5 months on our initial investment the way we use them (mixed use,  not exclusive). Exclusive use would pay itself in around three months.  Eli is 10 months old and still using his one size fits all pocket covers,  and because he was born chubby and grew really fast,  these are the only ones we have ever needed.  They are also in great shape.  The lining is a bit worn in the second batch we bought (they are of a lower quality,  though) but still holding on great.

The microfiber inserts are not holding on so well,  though.  They started to leak around the 4 month mark,  and I think I need to strip them but I have tried it a couple of times with just not a lot of improvement.  I read that they aren't exactly great,  and thus I made other purchases: two packs of osocozy prefolds first,  three packs of flour sack towels later.

The preforms are amazing.  We went from changing his microfiber insert every hour or hour and a half to every three or four hours. The leaking accidents were due putting on the cover wrong,  not because of the diaper,  unlike with the microfiber ones.  Baby Peanut doesn't rash easily,  so I admit to not changing his pee diapers super often.  We learned how to put them on with a YouTube video,  and I got it after two tries and Cookie saw me do it and did it perfectly at once.  My mom never quite got it,  though,  so she prefers the inserts.  We finally got use out of our snappis with these.  Never ever had a blowout,  while poonamis were the norm with disposables for a long time.

Then I read about flour sack towels when I was going to get more preforms so we could stop using the microfiber inserts all together.  We bought three four-packs,  and we fold them to make inserts for the pocket covers.  These.  Are.  Amazing.  The preforms don't fit as inserts,  and I have to say,  nothing beats the ease of putting the insert in the cover and then putting it on,  so the flour sack towels are just much easier.  They are also very thin,  so his but doesn't look quite so comical.  We can probably double line the diapers and get a night time solution,  though I haven't tried it.  These are my new to-go liners and I only use the prefolds when they are all dirty (by the end of the week,  usually,  so I know it's laundry time).

My diaper covers are all Chinese  and on the very cheap side.  Each six pack cost around 35-45 dollars,  and the cheapest ones even came with two inserts for every cover.  The only thing I didn't use pretty much at all were the six newborn diaper covers with velcro that I bought with the snappis initially.  One,  because Eli didn't use newborn sized anything for more than two weeks.  Two,  because they were for prefolds,  I think,  but I didn't buy anything and they didn't quite work with the microfiber inserts.  Anyway,  the Chinese diaper covers (one was LBB brand,  the other doesn't even have a brand name)  are holding great,  and because I didn't know what to expect I'm glad I didn't go for a brand name and much more expensive ones (also cuter but mine are still very cute).  The exchange rate of dollars is also kind of a hurdle to get past,  now that the dollar is so expensive.

Next time around I have quite a stash to start with,  so here is what I plan to do,  and what I would recommend anyone just starting.  One size fits all covers will last a long time.  If they don't fit your newborn (Eli was 3.560 kg and always had chubby legs) buy some newborn pocket covers (I would get 6 and prepare to do laundry 3-4 times a week). I used disposables until Eli's umbilical cord fell off by doctor's instructions so by the time we got into the cloth diapers we was okay with the one size fits all.  I would still use the microfiber inserts as babies poop a lot at first so I put the insert outside the pocket so that gets soiled instead of the cover.  Once my microfiber inserts all die,  I wouldn't buy more,  instead would get small prefolds to contain all the watery baby poops and the blow outs to come.  Past 4 months,  when baby poops space out more I think I would get more flour sack towels and just switch to that for pee diapers.  Eli was very predictable for a long while,  so planning for his daily poop was possible.  Nowadays,  not so much (he poops every other day or so,  at different times). I still think prefolds are great for poop diapers until their poop stops beings so liquid, so up to 8 months for us,  pretty much.

So: pocket covers.  Prefolds small and large for diapering from 3-4 to 8 months (also,  snappis)  and flour sack towels.

We have spent around $280 so far.  At the beginning,  when he was using around 8-9 diapers a day,  we used 5 or 6 cloth and 2-3 disposables.  Now we're down to 1-2 cloth and 2 disposables.  I think they have already paid themselves,  and we still have diapers for a long while.  If you can fork the initial payments,  they are definitely worth it.

Also?  So,  so cute.

2 months old
10 months old

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2016

10 months!

Baby Peanut is now crawling!  No more army crawling with his face,  but honest to God crawling.  He also cruises around furniture and is fearless standing up,  often trying to walk on his own (and failing quite spectacularly still,  but he tries!) I love hearing his laugh as we run after the dogs or towards his grandma,  or just walking around the house,  laughing because he is so proud of himself.  He has the best laugh.

He weights 10 kilos fully clothed,  so probably more like 9.800. We are up to date with his vaccines and he is chubby but leaner and has a big big head.

Such a big head.  

Sleep is still a crazy endeavor.  He still wakes about every hour and a half/two hours.  I don't know how to improve on that,  though we got through the worst of the growth spurt/sleep regression (hard to call it a regression when he hasn't sleep more than 3 hours in a row since in months)  by going back to his reflux medication.  After all the meds from The Cold From Hell his stomach just wasn't the same.  I'm back on a strict no dairy products diet and he's back on Nexium. I think part of the problem was that he got 5 teeth in a month, so maybe... Sleep might improve?  Someday! 

He has 7 teeth now,  and swollen gums on the top premolars canines.  Gah.  I thought we might have to wean soon when he got all the teeth because he was chaffing my nipples when he sucked,  but things have improved and we're back on track.  I would like to meet my one year goal,  then we'll see how we feel about it.  He loves to breastfeed and shows no signs of self weaning,  but I'm starting to feel more ready to stop...  I don't want to quit cold turkey or anything,  and it wasn't even on my kind for a long time, so lately when I eye my non-breastfeeding friendly clothes I just think to myself that soon he'll be done with this part of his life,  and it's bittersweet.  I will miss this connection a lot.  

Work is really busy right now,  though I'm still struggling financially.  Teaching was my only steady income so I'm fully freelancing right now. Construction on C&D's house is going well,  but I'm not taking any money from there yet.  I am working with an old client on the design for her new home's bathrooms and fixing some issues the house has, but that's only just starting.  Our side business of decorative pillows has been doing really well thanks to Pam's hard work,  so I'm doing what I can to help and keep up.  We're decorating and apartment for rent for a client,  which has been a lot of scavenging for good design for cheap.  I hope we'll be done with that next week.  The MBA program is kicking my ass, finding time to do homework is proving really difficult.  The classes are really off my area of knowledge and the teachers aren't doing much explaining,  which is a problem I have ran into a lot with the online program.  But we're halfway done with this trimester!  I can do it!  I have one mandatory credit left and three optional ones,  so mayyyybe the optional ones can be less ass kicking?  I am just realizing this,  I am almost done with the core classes!

After a lot of working  around hurdles it seems like we might get him baptized this month.  I want to do a little get together but it's a bit daunting.  So much family!  Such unruly nephews! I fear it might be a disaster! But I will be glad to get that done and all the possible drama out of the way (there has been a lot of drama with my in laws about our choice of godparents,  but as it often plays out,  it's mostly passive aggressive drama).   

I welcome March feeling better.  February was better than January,  mood wise if not sleep wise, and I think March is going to be better.  I am hopeful.  I am thankful.  It's all going to be okay.