martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

The 4th month sleep regression

Poor baby Peanut has been sleeping pretty badly for the past... ...7 weeks? Almost two months now. Given that there is not much that I can do about it, I read about it. The hows and whys and how longs, and it helps me, it keeps me on the rational level instead of the gurgleeeimdyingggahhhhhggggg sleep deprived madness. First it was a growth spurt, then he had his fourth month vaccines and a low fever and general unhappiness for a few days, then we had a couple of better nights, then another growth spurt, and now.. The 4th month sleep regression. It's been two weeks of bad nights, every night, but it seems it's a development leap. In a matter of a week he learned to drink from a sippy cup (since he haaaates anything that is not Teh Boob),
he reaches up and makes grabby motions when he wants something, he can hand off objects from one hand to the other, swat at things, bring things to his mouth, all of these things he wasn't doing well or consistently or at all two weeks ago.

Also he's trying to roll. He can manage when he's not wearing diapers (making our changing station a danger zone), but not the rest of the time yet, so he tries and tries and tries, all the time. And then he goes to sleep (eventually!) and his brain can't shut down and he keeps trying in his sleep, the poor thing, and wakes himself up, and he cries, so frustrated. All he wants is some sleep! Stop that, brain! 

I found it both awesome and heartbreaking that he is working so hard all the time. Baby brains are unbelievable. But I wish he could rest better, too, not just for my sake. Poor baby, so angry at his own gross motor milestone.

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