I haven't posted in a while so I'll try to do a quick recap:
We had Baby Peanut's baptism on April 23rd. After all the in law drama due our choice of godparents, it all well pretty well. No one said anything, just a few not super happy faces. Baby Peanut cried for the whole ceremony. He was the only baby cc crying, nonstop, for 45 minutes. THAT SURE WENT WELL.
After the ceremony we had a family party at my parents' place, half baptism celebration, half birthday party. We had tacos and a Totoro cake made by one of my sisters in law. All went well and was very tasty!
The next weekend we took a family photo session and had a smash the cake session for Eli. He was scared of his cake and cried every time he touched it. I guess the texture creeped him out?
We had a week and a half trip in early May. We stayed with my college friends and I had a wonderful time with them, even if work did not relent even while I was away, and despite how exhausting it was to take care of baby Peanut outside our routine and environment. We also got to see Cookie's cousins and family and spend some days with them, so it was nice. And I got to see my brother too. Flying with a one year old was... Stressful. And packed. Not the easiest of endeavors. But we managed and came back in one piece, even if we had to forgo the trip to the beach - I realized once we were planning it that Eli wouldn't do the four and a half hour drive well. During our trip, baby Peanut cut his first molar. Poor guy didn't want to eat any solids for a week.
I turned 31 the day we returned from our vacation. It was uneventful. Cookie forgot, though after some drama he got me flowers the next day. They were pretty :)
I also had my period that day, the first one since I got pregnant. Which was annoying as hell. I also felt crappy and kind of disappointed because I thought I was pregnant. Meh. But at least I guess it's back on the realm of possibilities!
Turning 31 kind of freaked me up. I can't believe I'm over thirty. I feel like the last time I noticed I was still 27.
Work is pretty packed though I managed to finally get some stuff off my plate and I'm dealing with things as they come for now. I landed a big job, finishing the construction of the house of one of my first clients. The original architect left them mid construction and there's a lot to fix and finish, so it's a bit of a daunting project. But things are moving forward this week.
I finished two classes of the MBA in April and I started another two this last week. I hope I can get better organized this trimester so I don't end up working every Sunday against the clock. I did pretty well in the last trimester, so at least all those Sundays paid up.
I am feeling better after our trip. I was.. Angry and disappointed while we were on it, because I couldn't leave work behind, because I couldn't go to the beach, because taking care of the baby is exhausting and we are nowhere near sleeping the whole night (he is still waking up every two hours or so, still not over his casein intolerance, still not night weaned, etc). But I think even if I wasn't in the best of moods, I managed to recharge. I'm grateful l we got to go.
As I was finishing drafting the as-built plans for the big project today, I realized I've been working for almost 12 years now. Of those, 7 years I've been a free agent. I need to realize that no matter what the short term looks like, I have pretty much made it on my own, and I gotta be proud of all that work and grateful for all the opportunities I have had. It hasn't always been easy but I'm still standing, and that's something to b proud of.