martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

Hello anxiety my old friend

Since I was at the OBG last week I've been running a low undercurrent of anxiety about the baby. Not seeing it move in the ultrasound is keeping me very on edge. I'm very afraid that his heart might have stopped beating sometime after that.  I can't seem to get beyond that thought.

Things are very tense between me and Cookie. I don't know if it's my hormones or just his usual february-march depression season,  but it's hard to get along. We always seem to have a much harder time getting along when there is no physicality between us, but it's a vicious circle. It's hard to want to be physical when you are annoyed or pissed at the other person all the time. I feel like he has very little empathy for what I'm going through (aka being pregnant, parenting a toddler and trying to finish the MBA, plus work), he has relapsed into not doing any house chores and he is a super grouch with Baby Peanut most of the time. All he worries about is taking Peanut out of our bed, and reaching him to sleep by himself. I don't see what the big deal is. He will, eventually. And also, other than complain, he hasn't come up with any strategies or plan or done anything to achieve it. So. It's mostly just complaining waiting for me to "fix" it. I shouldn't really complain this much, I know he's overwhelmed and he didn't really want another pregnancy (I didn't know it at the time, but it is what it is).

I'm tired a lot of the time and I fall asleep before 9 most days. I know we need to spend time together. It's really hard to find the time. I wish he was more excited about the baby, about Peanut. He seems like it's all such a chore. I suppose he's depressed, though he's never particularly expressive about our family. I don't know. It's bringing me down.

On the bright side, work is going okay and I'm slowly making progress on the thesis. I wrote two pages yesterday! Haha. I know it's not much, and I'm having trouble going over the academic papers on my subject, it's hard to stay focused... But I keep finding interesting data and sources, so I think that's also progress of a sort, even if I haven't read it yet. I need to write another two pages for today's class, so I should sit down to work... Soon.

Gotta find some motivation first...

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